What's in the box: October.

In box three we're featuring a new roaster: Dark Ritual Coffee Roasters from Seattle, WA! Don’t worry we’ll still have amazing coffees in the box from our roasters from Cleveland, Ohio: Rising Star and Heartwood, along with Lafayette, Louisiana roaster Rêve. We hope you enjoy all the coffee’s as much as we have and give a warm welcome to our new roaster!
In the third box we will feature the following roasts depending on which roast profile you selected:
Light Roast Subscribers will enjoy:
Rising Star Coffee Roasters: Don Francisco, The Reds from the Jinotega region of Nicaragua.
This is a washed process coffee with tasting notes of nectarines, pecans, molasses.
Rising Star Coffee Roasters: Yucuhiti Mirimar from the Sierra Mixteca region of Mexico.
This is a washed process coffee with tasting notes of dry cocoa, dry lime, and spice.
Heartwood Coffee Roasters: Rwanda Rutsiro Bugoyi 51 from the Rutsiro region of Rwanda.
This coffee is a natural process with tasting notes of blueberry, orange, and vanilla.
Rising Star Coffee Roasters: Central Cooperative Indigena del Cauca (CEN.CO.I.C) from the Cauca region of Columbia.
This is a washed process coffee with tasting notes of sugar cookie, tart cherry, and ginger.
Medium Roast Subscribers will enjoy:
Rising Star Coffee Roasters Illuminator Blend with coffees from South America.
This coffee has tasting notes of sweet tangerine, bright acidity, creamy body, and soft caramel notes.
Rêve Coffee Roasters: Merci Blend.
This coffee has notes of smores, stone fruit, green apple, and a complex body. Grab a cup of this coffee and have a smore alongside it on those crisp fall evenings!
Rêve Coffee Roasters: Brazil Cerrado.
This coffee is a natural process with tasting notes of nutty, creamy dark chocolate.
Dark Ritual Coffee Roasters: HellraiseR Blend.
This is a blend that is super sweet, full bodied, not acidic or bitter. The perfect daily driver.
House Blend subscribers will enjoy:
Dark Ritual Coffee Roasters: Mind Collapse Blend.
Light and dark roast blend, roasty flavors that yield to a complex finish. Great for espresso, filter, or any other brewing style. This blend will shine in any context.
Rêve Coffee Roasters: L'Acadie Blend
This coffee has tasting notes of tart citrus with a syrupy sweet finish.
Rêve Coffee Roasters: Snug Harbor Blend.
This coffee is a medium blend with tasting notes of raspberry, grapefruit, and chocolate covered almonds. This is a bright and well-balanced coffee perfect to wake you up in the morning!
Heartwood Coffee Roasters: Birdseye Blend.
With coffees from Ethiopia and Columbia and tasting notes that are vivid, juicy, and complex.
Light Roast 12oz Subscribers will enjoy:
Rising Star Coffee Roasters: Don Francisco, The Reds from the Jinotega region of Nicaragua.
Medium Roast 12oz Subscribers will enjoy:
Dark Ritual Coffee Roasters: HellraiseR Blend.
House Blend 12oz subscribers will enjoy:
Dark Ritual Coffee Roasters: Mind Collapse Blend.
All subscription orders are billed on the 5th of each month and shipped on the 15th of each month. The cutoff date to subscribe for a month is the 5th. For example, if you place your order on the 6th of August it would be shipped the 15th of September. We are working on weekly and bi-weekly options for those who want more frequent shipments!
Thank you all so much and please feel free to send any feedback our way/ leave a review on our site!
Sit back, relax, and sip the drip.
-The Dripbox Team