Sip The Drip
What's in the box: November.
In box four we’re featuring all of our favorites! Our roasters from Cleveland, Ohio: Rising Star and Heartwood, along with Lafayette, Louisiana roaster Rêve, and Seattle, Washington roaster Dark Ritual. Between all of these amazing roasters we’ll have coffees you’re sure to enjoy. We hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving creating new memories around the table with family and friends!
Meet: Dark Ritual Coffee Roasters
Ready to talk coffee with one of our newest roasters?! Dark Ritual Coffee Roasters, our newest roaster, is located out of Seattle, WA! In this article we’ll talk DRCR history, how Michael Gute the owner of Dark Ritual started roasting, and how Dripbox came to partner with them. Let’s dive in!
What's in the box: October.
In box three we're featuring a new roaster: Dark Ritual Coffee Roasters from Seattle, WA! Don’t worry we’ll still have amazing coffees in the box from our roasters from Cleveland, Ohio: Rising Star and Heartwood, along with Lafayette, Louisiana roaster Rêve. We hope you enjoy all the coffee’s as much as we have and give a warm welcome to our new roaster!
Meet: Heartwood Coffee Roasters
Hey there! We’re back to tell you a little about one of our roasters: Heartwood Coffee Roasters located out of Chagrin Falls, Ohio! In this article we’ll talk HWCR history, how Jim Sanders the owner of Heartwood got his start, and how Dripbox came to partner with them. Let’s get started!
What's in the box: September.
In the second box we are sticking with our roasters from Cleveland, Ohio: Rising Star and Heartwood, along with Lafayette, Louisiana roaster Rêve! We hope you enjoy their coffee as much as we have.
Meet: Rising Star Coffee Roasters
Hey there! We’re so happy to be able to tell you a little about one of our roasters: Rising Star Coffee Roasters located out of Cleveland, Ohio! In this article we’ll talk RSCR backstory, a little bit about their Director of Coffee – Brandon Riggs, and how we came to partner with them.
What's in the box: August.
We’re very excited to feature two Cleveland, Ohio roasters: Rising Star and Heartwood, along with Lafayette, Louisiana roaster Rêve! Our very first box will feature the following roasts depending on the roast profile selected.
About Dripbox
“We believe in supporting small business and getting to know the names and faces behind them. We believe in the simple art of connecting over a cup of coffee.”
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